The power of promotional marketing

With digital marketing reaching new levels it can become easy to forget just how important promotional marketing is in terms of freebies.
With digital marketing reaching new levels it can become easy to forget just how important promotional marketing is in terms of freebies.
This month has been adventurous for many with the school holidays in full swing. In our office it was mainly because Pegu Design celebrated it's 8th birthday.
You might be sick of hearing about mobile optimisation by now but we're going to chime in too. You can't not optimise. If you don't you'll just be turning your tyres in the mud but not going anywhere while everyone else i.e. your competitors, race off ahead.
Content management systems or CMS websites are sites that look the same as any other but are easy for anyone to edit. We offer bespoke design and development with integrated CMS- you might say it’s the best of both worlds.
One of our earlier blogs examined the advantages of online advertising but how do you ensure your web-based campaign is a success? This article looks at the complex world of online advertising and it gives you tips to send sales soaring in the future.
Spread love this Easter! Get 20% discount on any orders you place with Pegu Design on or before Easter Monday 21/04/2014. Use code SPREADLOVE at the time of placing your order.
Once upon a time the only way to get your business name out there was through mail advertising, splashing your name in the local paper and heading out talking to people. Crazy isn’t it?
The internet is a wonderful place to market your business but brochures are brilliant too! Yes, we live in an electronic world but it’s hard to beat the feeling of a glossy brochure, flip through the pages of a well-designed marketing brochure and it’s a rather pleasurable process.
We specialise in web design at Pegu and provide a unique service that’s tailored for your needs. Some people prefer to design their own websites though and they get the simplest of details wrong. If you are building a website from scratch include the items in this blog and it’ll be a great starting point.
Think logo design is easy? It’s not, trust us, we’ve created countless logos over the years and even now, we still have to dig deep from time to time to create a well thought out design. Portraying the client’s philosophy within a single graphic isn’t simple but past experience tells us these tips of the trade really help.
Starting up a new business isn’t easy, the biggest problem is getting your products and services noticed in the first place. Money is normally tight when you begin a new enterprise so this blog looks at ways to advertise for next to nothing and make your presence felt.
In today’s internet based world, good website design has never been more vital. Customers make up their minds about your website – and in effect your company - within seconds. If your website’s an ecommerce one you want them to stick around and spend their hard earned cash on your product or service. Here’s a brief rundown of our top ecommerce website tips:
Read moreResponsive web design is a very popular topic these days and we thought it would be useful to explain some basic principles of responsive web design to help our customers/visitors understand what it actually means.
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