Starting up a new business isn’t easy, the biggest problem is getting your products and services noticed in the first place. Money is normally tight when you begin a new enterprise so this blog looks at ways to advertise for next to nothing and make your presence felt.
Set up a website:
We can’t stress the importance of this enough at Pegu Design. Sure we’re in the business, so we are bound to promote the merits of websites but that’s because we have years of experience in this sector. We know how effective a good online presence can be so if you have any money spare invest it in great website design.
Even if you have the tiniest budgets you can still create your own site using free templates, so get it online and update it later on. Make the site SEO friendly and fun to use and you’ll have tons of customers viewing your pages.
Try social media:
Set up Facebook and Twitter accounts, make sure your business profile is on LinkedIn and Google Plus as well. You can link these accounts to you website and steer customers straight to your site.
Create business stationery:
Business cards, brochures, letterheads and other items of stationery create a professional image, you don’t have to spend a fortune in this area. Something simple and traditional works just as well, just keep the design original and that should leave a long lasting impression with your customers.
Use blogs to connect with customers:
Set up a blog section on your website and regularly update it with interesting news and articles. You’re reading a blog at the moment, they’re a great way to reach out to customers and help them form a bond with your company.
Advertise wherever you can:
Cover your company vehicles in branding, attend trade fairs, run product promotions, hang banners outside your business to let people know you are there. With a little bit of thought you can use a range of cheap but effective marketing materials and send a strong message out to the public.
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