Responsive web design is a very popular topic these days and we thought it would be useful to explain some basic principles of responsive web design to help our customers/visitors understand what it actually means.
The following elements are the ones that will visually change when viewed on different screen sizes:
The most important thing we have to work with on all screens is space. It is crucial to manipulate the main navigation that is normally found at the top of the pages so it adjusts and minimises into as small element as possible to allow space for other content.
There are many ways and meanings of achieving this goal, this article lists some of the possibilities and explains their pluses and minuses:
Responsive Navigation Patterns
Do not expect the website to look the same on mobile as it does on larger screens when responsive design is applied. The point of responsive web design is to save users horizontal scrolling and to serve content in an easily approachable manner which is scrolling up and down only.
This will result in a different look, for example if you have two boxes next to each other on the PC screen they will end up underneath each other on smaller screens, the first on the top and the second one below.
It might make an impression that the design is distorted at first. This is not the case, the design has only adjusted to the screen and made it much easier and more practical for the user when looking for some information.
Conclusion: responsive web design does not display the website exactly the same way on all screens, it changes the layout in order to improve the User Experience and displays important content so it fits the width of the screen.
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