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Logo design tips

Think logo design is easy? It’s not, trust us, we’ve created countless logos over the years and even now, we still have to dig deep from time to time to create a well thought out design. Portraying the client’s philosophy within a single graphic isn’t simple but past experience tells us these tips of the trade really help.

Research is critical:

Before you can even think about penning a few ideas for a logo you need to research the client and find out what makes their company tick. It helps if you have a firm understanding of the company, who they are, what they do and who their target audience is.

Simple is best:

There’s not much point creating an over-elaborate logo that customers simply don’t get. Some of the best and most memorable logos are fairly basic but they say all there is to say. Don’t be afraid to strip back the design, complicated logos confuse the mind.

Avoid imitation:

Originality is vital when you are designing a logo, aim for a unique but instantly recognisable design. Imitation isn’t flattering and it will damage your company’s image, logos need their own sense of appeal.

Take care with typography:

Use your own typeface instead of relying on existing stock. Sure, there are thousands of different fonts you could choose that are already established but why take the easy option when custom lettering looks better and helps your logo get noticed?

Think about colour:

Does the logo work well in a range of colours? Some designs are affected when the colour changes, others look just as good whatever shade you decide to use. Ideally the logo should promote good brand identity and have meaning regardless of the colour.


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