The internet is a wonderful place to market your business but brochures are brilliant too! Yes, we live in an electronic world but it’s hard to beat the feeling of a glossy brochure, flip through the pages of a well-designed marketing brochure and it’s a rather pleasurable process.
Getting the brochure to stand out and ‘feel right’ makes all the difference, it sets the standard between marketing materials that look ‘okay’ and brochures that ooze class and appeal. How do you give your brochures the winning streak? This blog covers a few basic ideas.
Know the purpose
Start at the beginning with a brochure, establish what it is you want the brochure to do. Is this going to be a direct replacement for your last brochure or will it be a supplement to run with a current campaign? Cleary outline what you are trying to achieve with the brochure and move forward from this point.
Think about readership
Who is going to read the brochure? Always have your target audience in mind when you are designing and creating marketing materials. Will it need to reach out to huge range of people and adopt the ‘one size fits all’ philosophy or are you trying to target a niche market and need something that’s a little more user-defined?
Keep things simple
Clever marketing only works if the customer can understand the message you are trying to get across. Sometimes simple is best with marketing, create a brochure that’s easy to read but provides your clients with all the information they require. Pictures, product descriptions and technical specs are the meat and gravy of good brochure design.
Avoid too many fonts
Be simple with fonts as well. Keep headings and subheadings straightforward and stick with a recognised font for the main body copy as well. Don’t try to be clever using a ‘quirky’ font style, make sure the copy is right, it works and it looks good in a font that has universal appeal.
Click our ‘get quote’ option for a professional brochure design, it’s free and you and under no obligation when you contact Pegu Design.
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